"Waking Up Early" by Alison Schultz E 102 (015)

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"Waking Up Early" by Alison Schultz E 102 (015) by Mind Map: "Waking Up Early" by Alison Schultz     E 102 (015)

1. Lack of Sleep

1.1. Iritibility

1.1.1. Less focued

1.2. Tiredness

1.3. Need for caffeine

2. Time Management

2.1. Going to bed early

2.2. Allotting time to complete tasks

3. Slow Start to the Day

3.1. Low-productivity

4. Eating Breakfast

4.1. More stops

4.2. Slugishness

5. Morning Routine

5.1. Tedious Tasks

5.1.1. Making the bed

5.1.2. Getting Dressed

5.1.3. Brushing your teeth