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My Favorite Place создатель Mind Map: My Favorite Place

1. My Room

1.1. Comfortable

1.1.1. Bed

1.1.2. Desk

1.1.3. Window with sunlight streaming through

1.2. Home

1.3. All to myself

1.3.1. alone

1.3.2. reading

1.3.3. space to think wandering thoughts think deep thoughts

1.3.4. being myself

1.4. Imagine/Imagination

1.4.1. wondering

1.4.2. questions?

1.4.3. New node

2. The Beach

2.1. ocean's waves

2.1.1. sounds crashing waves calm sounds

2.2. warm sun

2.2.1. being "free" no worries

2.2.2. Fresh air, ocean air

2.3. relaxing

2.3.1. reading

2.3.2. soaking up the sun

2.3.3. swimming

2.3.4. taking cool photos

2.3.5. being myself

2.3.6. being with family/friends

2.3.7. room to think, room to breathe away from the hustle and bustle of city life escape into a different "world"/realm

2.3.8. take time to sleep

3. New node