1. Q&A Sites
1.1. answers.yahoo.com
1.2. quimble.com
1.3. say-so.org
1.4. ideaspit.com
1.5. linkedin.com/answers
2. Professional Networking
2.1. linkedin.com
2.2. spoke.com
2.3. xing.com
2.4. salesspider.com
3. Top 20 Bookmarking Sites (In Order, as of April 2009)
3.1. digg.com
3.1.1. build friends first
3.1.2. then submit
3.1.3. must manually submit stories
3.2. StumbleUpon.com
3.2.1. Make an account and join groups right away
3.2.2. wait a few days, because it won't let you post discussions in the forums if your account is new
3.2.3. After a couple days, save favorites and join discussions
3.2.4. Must manually favorite stories
3.3. reddit.com
3.3.1. hard to promote business here
3.3.2. friends don't seem to do much
3.3.3. need to msg and build networks the hard way
3.4. Technorati.com
3.4.1. you are found through tags
3.4.2. in wordpress category slugs = tags
3.4.3. automtically grabs your latest blog posts
3.5. del.icio.us
3.5.1. set up subscriptions
3.5.2. expand network
3.5.3. share bookmarked pages
3.5.4. tags are separated by spaces and multiple word tags should be combined into one word (internetmarketing)
3.5.5. must manually save stories
3.6. kaboodle.com
3.6.1. If there isn't a product to promote, then do research and find supporting products to your service.
3.6.2. Sell merchandise related to your company or service
3.7. Slashdot.com
3.8. Propeller.com
3.8.1. Make friends first
3.8.2. then submit
3.8.3. must manually submit stories
3.9. Newsvine.com
3.9.1. seed news stories
3.10. Fark.com
3.11. Clipmarks.com
3.11.1. save portions of web pages you like
3.11.2. comments and views a left within the site
3.11.3. harder to generate traffic to your site
3.12. blinklist.com
3.12.1. friends are hard to find/save
3.12.2. works well for connections through tagging
3.13. buzz.yahoo.com
3.14. mixx.com
3.15. twine.com
3.16. dzone.com
3.17. faves.com
3.18. diigo.com
3.19. simpy.com
3.20. blogmarks.net
4. Blog / Other
4.1. twitter.com
4.2. squidoo.com
4.3. kingofthelist.com
4.4. listdump.com
4.5. pownce.com
4.6. epinions.com
4.7. yelp.com
5. Just Plain Cool Stuff
5.1. mindmeister.com
5.2. FreeAudioUniversity.com
5.3. Shopify.info
5.4. lulu.com
5.5. booklocker.com
5.6. wufoo.com
5.7. projectstat.us
5.8. editgrid.com
5.9. numsum.com
5.10. sezwho.com
5.11. Alexa.com
5.12. Slideshare.net
6. Top Social Networking Sites (In order, as of Jan 2009)
6.1. Facebook.com
6.2. MySpace.com
6.3. tagged.com
6.4. Classmates.com
6.5. myyearbook.com
6.6. iMeem.com
6.7. livejournal.com
6.8. hi5.com
6.9. Bebo.com
6.10. friendster.com
6.11. BlackPlanet.com
6.12. Xanga.com
6.13. 360.yahoo.com
6.14. orkut.com
6.15. Flixster.com
6.16. reunion.com
6.17. ning.com
6.18. yuku.com
6.19. cafemom.com
7. E-mail and Automated Follow-up
7.1. icontact.com
7.2. streamsend.com
7.3. emaillabs.com
7.4. exacttarget.com
7.5. verticalresponse.com
7.6. topica.com
7.7. silverpop.com
7.8. feedblitz.com
7.8.1. allow e-mail newsletters to be created from rss feeds
7.8.2. fully customizable