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knowing by Mind Map: knowing

1. the whisper people

1.1. angels?

1.1.1. did/does god send angels to save those who heard the call? or are they just figments of out imagination?

1.2. promethius?

1.2.1. are there other life forms? do they know we exist? can they come to us?

1.3. the spirit taking over?

2. the numbers

2.1. are they a sign?

2.1.1. are they avoidable?

2.2. are they symbolism for a gift of the spirit?

3. only those that heard the call

3.1. only children

3.2. the boy started to write new numbers

3.2.1. what do those numbers mean? who can find them if everything was just destroyed?

3.3. the girl

3.3.1. what about the girl!

4. the mother

4.1. human response

5. the rocks

5.1. physical much like a bible

5.1.1. Sub Idea 1

5.1.2. Sub Idea 2

5.2. only seem to come in disaster

5.3. the same as each other

5.3.1. minus some float

6. the white rabbits

6.1. purity?

6.1.1. innocence?

7. my mothers dream

7.1. my mother once had a dream and there were many things in that dream but among them were tornadoes. many tornadoes in a city if i remember correctly. i believe my mothers dreams were the way she heard from god. this particular dream had to do with the end of the world. i know its sorta of crazy to accept her one dream as proof or reality but just think if so many things add up to the same solution then its right. correct? well her dream plus science and the global warning theory as well as all these holly-wood productions. now yes holly-wood has a low prophetic impact but the idea had to spark from someone right? well why couldn't it have been a christian hearing the same message as my mother? i'm not saying that its true or to run put and stock up on water-but somethings gotta for thought i guess

8. the safe place

8.1. heaven?

8.1.1. clean like expected

8.2. the tree

8.2.1. tree of life? avatar tree?