1. Smallest particle: Atom
1.1. Combine to form molecules
1.1.1. This then creates componds Has all properties of a element
1.2. Protons
1.2.1. Postive charge If the number of protons change, then it becomes a different element The number of protrons determines the chemical element
1.3. Neutrons
1.3.1. No charge
1.4. Electrons
1.4.1. Negitive charge Exists in shells that represent energy levels (electron binding energies) Shell # & names: 1.K 2.L 3.N 4.O 5.P 6.Q
1.4.2. 2 forces Centripetal Force that keep electrons in orbit Centrifugal Electrons maintain their distance from the nucleus while traveling in a circular path
1.4.3. Electron binding energy The strength of the attachment of an electron to the nucleus
1.5. The center is called the nucleus
1.5.1. Containes protrons, neutrons, quarks & gluons
2. Atomic Mass Number
2.1. The # of protrons plus the # of electrons in the nucleus of a atom
3. Molecules
3.1. Combination of atoms
3.1.1. Two types of chemical bonds Covalent bonds Atoms of the molecule share electrons Ionic bonds One atom gives up a electron to another atom
4. Radioactive Decay
4.1. Half life
4.1.1. Time it takes for the quantity of radioactivity to be reduced to half its original value
5. Nuclear Arrangments
5.1. Ionized
5.1.1. When a atom has a electron removed or added
5.2. Isotopes
5.2.1. Atoms that have the same atomic number but different atomic mass numbers
5.3. Isobar
5.3.1. Atoms have different number of protrons and different number of neutrons, but the same total number of nucleons
5.4. Isotone
5.4.1. Atoms have the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons
6. Ionizing Radiation
6.1. Electromagnetic
6.1.1. XRays Produced outside the nucleus in the electron shells
6.1.2. Gamma Rays Emmited from the nucleus of a radioisotope
6.2. Particulate
6.2.1. Alpha
6.2.2. Beta
7. Photons
7.1. Have no mass and no charge
7.1.1. XRays
7.1.2. Gamma Rays