Math Concept: Exponents

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Math Concept: Exponents by Mind Map: Math Concept: Exponents

1. Exponent Rules

1.1. If an exponent is 0, the entire number is 1, ex A^0 = 1

1.2. If the exponent is negative, reciprocal and change to positive, ex 3^-3 = 1/3^3

2. Multiplication and Division

2.1. Only numbers with the same base can be multiplied or divided

2.1.1. Multiplication: 3^3 x 3^4 = 3^7

2.1.2. Division: 3^4 / 3^3 = 3^1

3. What are they?

3.1. An exponent is the same as multiplying a number by itself, ex 3x3x3 = 3^3

3.2. Every number has an exponent!

3.2.1. If the number is unknown it is shown with n

3.2.2. If there is no number, it is implied to be 1

4. Addition and Subtraction of Exponents

4.1. If the bases are the same, you can add or subtract the equation, ex 3^3+3^3 = 2x3^3

4.2. When the base and the exponent are the same you can add or subtract, ex 3a^3 - a^3 = 2a^3

4.3. If the exponents are different, you cannot add, ex 3^3+3^4