Align Priorities and Resources to Improve and Sustain Public Health and Environmental Quality

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Align Priorities and Resources to Improve and Sustain Public Health and Environmental Quality by Mind Map: Align Priorities and Resources to Improve and Sustain Public Health and Environmental Quality

1. Foster a Competant, Empowered Workforce

1.1. Attract, Retain and Recognize Talented and Diverse Employees (D1)

1.2. Align Employee Roles and Accountability with Department Priorities (D2)

1.2.1. Strategic Open Plan Forums

2. Achieve Targeted Improvements in Colorado's Winnable Battles

2.1. Develop and Implement Strategies to Achieve Winnable Battles (A1)

2.1.1. Unintended Pregnancy

2.1.2. Injury Prevention

2.1.3. Safe Food Civil Penalties Activity

2.1.4. Clean Air

2.1.5. Tobacco

2.1.6. Clean Water

2.1.7. Mental Health and Substance Abuse

2.1.8. Infectious Disease Prevention

2.1.9. Obesity

2.1.10. Oral Health

3. Create a More Efficient, Effective , Customer-Oriented Department

3.1. Employe Lean Methodologies to Improve Business Processes (E2)

3.1.1. Storm Water Construction Permit Project

3.1.2. Fiscal Standardization Project

3.1.3. Value Stream Analysis WQ Permit Project

3.1.4. Air Quality Modelling Improvement

3.1.5. Air Quality Permit Improvement

3.1.6. Extract Permit Renewal Improvement

3.1.7. Air Quality Fee Structure Project

3.2. Secure Sustainable, Diversified Funding (E3)

3.2.1. Decision Items

4. Strengthen the Integrated Public and Environmental Health System

4.1. Actively Participate as a Partner in the Community (C3)

4.1.1. Community Outreach Tools

4.2. Engage Partners in Programmatic and Policy Decision-Making (C1)

4.2.1. Universal Vaccine Purchase Project

4.2.2. Air Quality COGA Improvement

4.2.3. Vaccines for Business Project

4.2.4. Legislative Agenda

4.3. Implement the Public Health Improvement Plan

4.3.1. Local Public Health Assessment

5. Programmatic Excellence

5.1. Strengthen Cross-Departmental Collaboration/Integration (B4)

5.1.1. Pesticide Permit Improvement

5.1.2. Life Safety Code Activity

5.2. Meet Regulatory and Statutory Requirements (B5)

5.2.1. Health Facilities Improvements