Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Information

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Deaf or Hard of Hearing by Mind Map: Deaf or Hard of Hearing

1. Characteristics

1.1. Many students use ASL

1.2. Language Development Begins at Birth

1.3. Academics - students may have struggles due to language development or hearing

1.4. Social/Emotional Skills - may have challenges with peer interaction

2. Useful Tech

2.1. Amplification

2.1.1. Making speech easier to understand

2.2. Hearing Aids

2.2.1. made 1902

2.3. Cochlear Implant

2.3.1. biomedical electronic devices - convert sound electronic current stimulate remaining auditory nerve elements directly

2.4. FM system

2.4.1. Rodger Pen

2.5. Captioning

2.5.1. changing audio to text

2.6. Communication devices

2.6.1. texting, video chat

3. Educational Approaches

3.1. Oral Approach

3.1.1. focus on listening and speaking

3.2. Total Communication Approach

3.2.1. Use of both speech and signing together in teaching

3.3. Bilingual Approach

3.3.1. focuses on the student learning both English as well as ASL

4. Prevalence Rate

4.1. 2 to 3 per 1,000 kids

4.2. 95%of deaf/ heard of hearing (hoh) children are born to hearing parents

4.3. 65,000 students served under this IDEIA category

5. Ear Structure

5.1. Outer Ear

5.2. Middle Ear

5.2.1. Malleus (hammer)

5.2.2. Incus (anvil)

5.2.3. Stapes (stirrup)

5.3. Inner Ear

5.3.1. Semicircular Ear Canals

5.3.2. Cochlea

6. Types of Hearing Loss

6.1. Conductive Hearing Loss

6.1.1. A conductive hearing loss malfunction or abnormality, which prevents/ reduces the conduction of sound waves through the outer/ middle ear to the inner ear. Sound is prevented from reaching the inner ear.

6.2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss

6.2.1. A sensorineural hearing loss occurs in the inner ear . This prevents or reduces sounds from reaching the auditory cortex

6.3. Mixed Hearing Loss

6.3.1. describes a hearing loss that is both conductive and sensorineural.

6.4. Bilateral Hearing Loss

6.4.1. There is hearing loss in both ears. It may be conductive, sensorineural, or mixed hearing loss.