Anticonvulsants - Hydantoins

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Anticonvulsants - Hydantoins by Mind Map: Anticonvulsants - Hydantoins


2. Cost

2.1. $13-20

3. Patient Education

3.1. take medication exactly as prescribed and avoid missing doses

3.2. do not stop abruptly

3.3. avoid alcohol. urine may be discolored

4. Monitoring

4.1. pt assessed for hypersensitivity - occurs 3-8 weeks - include fever, skin rash, lymphadenopathy

4.2. CBC, urinalysis, liver function prior to start and then every few months

4.3. plasma levels should be monitored - narrow therapeutic index

4.4. suicide ideations

5. Rational Drug Selection

5.1. hydantoins not first-line treatment of status epilipticus, but IV phenytoin can be used for control of grand mal seizures.

5.2. phenytoin - may worsen absence seizures fosphenytoin - used for short term (less than 5 days) managment of seizures. ethotoin prescribed in 4-6 doses per day

6. Clinical Use

6.1. First line treatment of choice for tonic-clonic and partial complex seizures. Least sedating .

6.2. Phenytoin most commonly uses

7. Drug Interactions

7.1. allupurinol, cimetidine, diazpam, disulfiran, alcohol, phenacemide, succinimides, valproic acid - increase plasma levels

7.2. barbituates, carbamzzepine, alcohol (chronic), theophylline, antacids, calcium - decreased plasma level

7.3. corticosteroids, dicumaron digitoxin, doxycycline, haloperidol, methadone - decreased effect of interaction drugs

8. Black box / Preg Category

8.1. pregnancy cat d - overall risk 10%

9. Contraindications

9.1. hypersensitivity - reactions fever, rash, arthralgias, and lymphadenopathy

10. Pharmacodynamics

10.1. inhibit and stabilize electrical discharges in the motor cortex of the brain

11. Pharmacokinetics

11.1. A&D: oral admin. absorption - small intestine - slow - rates varies with form of drug. enter brain quickly and then are redistributed to other body tissues, saliva, and breast milk

11.1.1. protein bound

11.1.2. rate and degree of absorp from IM is erratic

11.2. M&E: metabolism takes place in the liver by CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 and excret kidney. half-life 6-24 hrs

12. Precautions

12.1. hepatitis is common hypersensitive reaction

12.2. rebound status elipepticus may result from abrupt discontinuation

12.3. narrow therapeutic range

12.4. use with caution in pt by myocardial insufficiency and hypotension

13. ADRS

13.1. CNS effects - agitation, ataxia, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nystagmus,

13.2. cardiovascular effects - hypotension, tachycardia, atrial and ventricular conduction depression, and VFib.

13.3. GI effects - nausea, vomiting, anorexia, altered taste, constipation, dry mouth, gingival hyperplasia. urincary retention and discolored urine