Cebus Olivaceus aka Weeper Capuchin

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Cebus Olivaceus aka Weeper Capuchin by Mind Map: Cebus Olivaceus aka Weeper Capuchin

1. Taxonomy

1.1. Cebus Olivaceus

1.1.1. formerly aka Cebus Nigrivittatus

1.2. Genus Cebus

1.2.1. taxonomists recognize 4-8 species

1.3. Superfamily

1.3.1. Ceboidea

1.4. Family/Sub Family

1.4.1. Cebinae

2. Life History

2.1. Life Span

2.1.1. 42 years

2.2. Sexual Maturity

2.2.1. F: 60-72 months Birth Interval: 26 months

2.2.2. M: 144-180 months

2.3. Mate & Birth

2.3.1. year round

3. Behaviors

3.1. Daily Activity

3.1.1. Forging 58%

3.1.2. Travel 37%

3.1.3. Rest 24%

3.1.4. Social Activity 2%

3.2. Females

3.2.1. Form long-lasting bonds grooming patterns coalitations

3.3. Males

3.3.1. Only one male mates in a group

3.4. Group size

3.4.1. 12-50

4. Origin

4.1. Brazil

4.2. Colombia

4.3. French Gulana

4.4. Guyana

4.5. Suriname

4.6. Venezuela

5. Habitat

5.1. Neotropical Forests

5.1.1. broadleaf

5.1.2. tropical

5.1.3. deciduous

5.1.4. dry forest

5.1.5. rainforest

5.1.6. swamp

5.2. Preferred height: 20 meters

6. Locomotion

6.1. Climbing

6.2. Leaping

6.3. Quadrupedal

7. Eating Habits

7.1. Foods

7.1.1. Fruits 42%

7.1.2. Insects 40% collect large snails from ground & bang them on hard subtrates to crack open

7.1.3. Leaves 6% 79 plants in diet

7.1.4. Other Invertebrates 6%

7.1.5. Seeds 4%

7.1.6. Insect Larvae 2%

7.2. Bang or rub food for several minutes before ingesting

8. Physical Characteristics

8.1. Hair

8.1.1. Body is light brown/brown with yellow tinges

8.1.2. Hands, feet & tail are dark brown

8.2. Face

8.2.1. Whitish-grayish pink

8.2.2. Have dark brown wedge-shaped cap on head

8.3. Weight

8.3.1. F: 2395, M: 2974

8.4. Brain Weight

8.4.1. 80.80