Is Grit the key to success?

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Is Grit the key to success? by Mind Map: Is Grit the key to success?

1. Explain what grit is according to Angela Duckworth. Of course, grit is important but not the key.

1.1. Add 4 characteristics that Robin Hilmantel discusses?

2. Focus on Mike Rose's argument that Duckworth's research on grit neglects the bigger picture: educational reform

2.1. What other points do I want to bring up?

3. Relate Rose to Bettina Love: Let's not aim on building grit without removing institutional barriers. Also, don't question that black children aren't gritty.

4. Victor Rios also talks about how "at promise" youth are already filled with grit. They have had to overcome big obstacles.

5. Talk about the role of mentorship? This could be related to Gabby Rivera's talk and Victor Rios as well.

6. No - it has a place but there are problems with Duckworth's research. There are also other factors that lead to success.