Theoretical Perspectives

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Theoretical Perspectives by Mind Map: Theoretical Perspectives

1. New node

2. Nativist

3. Nature

4. Chomsky

5. syntactic

6. grammatical aspects of language, rules for using language

7. Language Acquisition Device, Universal Grammar

8. Classroom: activities that explore language both written and oral

9. Cognitive Developmentalist

10. Nature

11. Piaget

12. semantic, morphemic

13. language is acquired as maturation occurs, cognitive development is a prerequisit and foundation for language learning

14. preoperational stage, object permnence

15. classroom: lessons and activities must meet the stage of the student's cognitive development

16. Behaviorist

17. Nurture

18. Skinner

19. Semantic, Syntactic, Morphemic

20. based on stimuli and reinforcements

21. Blank Slate, Imitative Speech

22. Classroom: focus on stimuli and reinforcements in regard to language development

23. Interactionist

24. Nurture

25. Vygotsky, Bruner, Haliday

26. Pragmatic

27. based onsociocultural interaction

28. Classroom: provide social interactions in which both oral and written language are used