EAP029 Advanced

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EAP029 Advanced by Mind Map: EAP029 Advanced

1. Types of Assessment

1.1. Writing Coursework (WCW)

1.1.1. a

1.2. Speaking Coursework (SCW)

1.3. Final Exam (FE)

2. Weekly Topics and Syllabus

2.1. Week 2-4: Business Ethics

2.2. Week 5-8: Linguistics

2.3. Week 9-11: Earth Science

2.4. Week 12: Decision Task

2.5. Week 13-14: Engineering

2.6. Week 15: Final Examination

3. Learning Outcomes (What you can expect from the module?)

3.1. Strategies on taking notes and listening

3.2. Adapting to university reading materials

3.3. Language fluency both academically and non-academically

3.4. Academic writing skills