Autobiography kazma

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Autobiography kazma by Mind Map: Autobiography kazma

1. Adjectives

1.1. awesome

1.2. tall

1.3. sporty

1.4. crazy

1.5. funny

2. Conculusion

2.1. Moved to Singapoe

2.2. Started Chatsworth

3. Family

3.1. Nanase (sister)

3.2. Kenichiro (dad)

3.3. Sakiko (mum)

3.4. The best family to be with at home

3.5. Fun

4. connectives

4.1. as well as

4.2. beacause

4.3. in addition

4.4. meanwhile

5. living in other countries

5.1. moved to dubai

5.2. moved to Singapore

5.3. rode a camel

5.4. went to AbuDabi

5.5. Went to a desert

5.6. started RIS (Regent international School) in Dubai

5.7. Started CIS(Chatsworth International School)

6. Introduction

6.1. A sibling called Nanase

6.2. D.O.B-January 3rd 2002

6.3. From Japan

6.4. born in Nagoya

7. Early years

7.1. moved to Tokyo

7.1.1. in 2003-2004

7.2. Born at Japan

7.2.1. in nagoya

7.3. Born in 2002

7.4. moved to Osaka

7.4.1. New node

7.5. Tall

7.6. Glasses