The Habit Change Cheatsheet: 29 Ways to Successfully Ingrain a Behavior
by Silviu Oprean
1. Full Habit Change Cheatsheet
1.1. 1. Do just one habit at a time
1.2. 2. Start small
1.3. 3. Do a 30-day Challenge
1.4. 4. Write it down
1.5. 5. Make a plan
1.6. 6. Know your motivations, and be sure they're strong
1.7. 7. Don't start right away
1.8. 8. Write down all your obstacles
1.9. 9. Identify your triggers
1.10. 10. For every single trigger, identify a positive habit you're going to do instead
1.11. 11. Plan a support system
1.12. 12. Ask for help
1.13. 13. Become aware of self-talk
1.14. 14. Stay positive
1.15. 15. Have strategies to defeat the urge
1.16. 16. Prepare for the sabotagers
1.17. 17. Talk to yourself
1.18. 18. Have a mantra
1.19. 19. Use visualization
1.20. 20. Have rewards.
1.21. 21. Take it one urge at a time
1.22. 22. Not one Puff Ever (in other words, no exceptions)
1.23. 23. Get rest
1.24. 24. Drink lots of water
1.25. 25. Renew your commitment often
1.26. 26. Set up public accountability
1.27. 27. Engineer it so it's hard to fail
1.28. 28. Avoid some situations where you normally do your old habit
1.29. 29. If you fail, figure out what went wrong, plan for it, and try again
2. Author
2.1. Name: Leo Babauta
2.2. Home Page:
2.3. Original Article URL
3.1. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. " Aristotle
3.2. “Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.” Mark Twain
3.3. "Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones." Benjamin Franklin
4. Change habit in three steps
4.1. Write down your plan
4.2. Identify your triggers and replacement habits
4.3. Focus on doing the replacement habits every single time the triggers happen, for about 30 days