Make a positive impact

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Make a positive impact by Mind Map: Make a positive impact

1. Job in core company

1.1. Internship

1.1.1. Mitsubishi

1.1.2. National Instruments

1.2. Academic performance

1.2.1. Project with CG ma'am

1.3. Courses

1.3.1. Arduino

1.3.2. Raspberry Pi

1.3.3. Python

2. Independence and discipline

2.1. Proper sleep schedule

2.2. Exercise

2.3. Driving license

2.4. Cooking

3. "Find out who you are and do it on purpose"

3.1. Meet more people

3.1.1. Go outside more

3.2. Diversity

3.2.1. Read broadly

3.2.2. Listen differentlly

3.2.3. Watch intensively

3.3. Document

3.3.1. Gratitude journal

3.3.2. Essays

3.3.3. Poetry

3.3.4. Pinterest boards