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Kitty Hawks Ideas by Mind Map: Kitty Hawks Ideas

1. Volunteering

1.1. HAI BBQs

1.2. EAA Pancake Breakfasts

1.3. Local Schools

1.4. Small airports nearby/gliderport

2. Scholarships

2.1. Kitty Hawk Scholarship Fund?

2.2. Donations from businesses

2.3. Silent auction at the end of the term/year

3. Study Groups

3.1. After the Intro to Aviation class

3.2. HAI classroom?

4. Projects

4.1. Yearbook?

4.2. More T-shirts

4.3. PCC Website Update

5. Field Trips

5.1. Newport Aquarium

5.2. Olympia Air Mu

5.3. Pearson Museum

5.4. Mcminnville Waterpark

6. Mentorship

6.1. Second year students adopt newbies

6.2. Sarah, Victoria, Emily, Kirsten, Cassia