
Characters from Rumpelstiltskin

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Characters by Mind Map: Characters

1. Lisa

1.1. a young, sweet girl

1.2. lives with her parents in a cottage

1.3. loves to do household chores

1.3.1. baking

1.4. very obedient

1.4.1. listens to her parents

2. Rumpelstiltskin

2.1. a strange little man

2.2. has magical powers

2.3. able to help Lisa

2.3.1. spinning the straw into gold

2.4. likes riddles

2.5. a fairy tale character, not a real person

3. The King

3.1. an opportunist

3.1.1. uses Lisa to get him gold

3.2. cruel

3.2.1. keep Lisa alone in a tower

3.3. threatens to kill her

3.3.1. if she cannot spin the straw into gold

3.4. very gullible

3.4.1. believes that straw can be turned into gold

4. Lisa's Father

4.1. Foolish

4.1.1. boast too far about his daughter

4.2. greedy

4.2.1. willing to sacrifice Lisa’s life in order to get wealth

4.3. remorseful

4.3.1. promised Lisa that he will not make the same mistake

4.4. a loving father

4.4.1. tries to solve the riddle for Lisa

5. Lisa's Mother

5.1. very proud of her daughter

5.2. kind hearted

5.2.1. invites the King into her house and offers food

5.3. silly

5.3.1. agrees with her husband that Lisa can spin straw into gold

5.4. remorseful

5.4.1. promised never to boast again

5.5. a loving mother

5.5.1. helps Lisa to solve the riddle