Utah Football

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Utah Football by Mind Map: Utah Football

1. Univeristy

1.1. Faculty/Staff

1.1.1. President Betz

1.1.2. Department Heads

1.2. Band

1.3. Cheerleaders

1.4. ASUU

1.4.1. President/VP

1.4.2. Students

2. Fan Organizations

2.1. Alumi

2.1.1. Leadership

2.2. Other At Large Groups

2.2.1. Meeting 1

2.2.2. Meeting 2

2.3. MUSS

3. Community At Large

3.1. Salt Lake City

3.1.1. City Hall

3.1.2. Downtown Alliance

3.1.3. Chamber of Commerce


3.2.1. Event Planning

3.2.2. Marketing

3.3. Local Businesses

3.4. Neighbors

3.4.1. Community Councils

4. Athletic Department

4.1. Football Program

4.1.1. Coaches

4.1.2. Players

4.2. Revenue

4.2.1. Marketing

4.2.2. Revenue Streams

4.3. Facilities

4.3.1. Management

4.4. Student Relations

5. Fans

5.1. Tailgaters

5.1.1. How are spots acquired

5.1.2. Traditions

5.2. Students

5.3. Families

5.3.1. Family event/family friendly

5.4. Non-Fans

5.4.1. Do they participate?

6. Ute Tribe

6.1. Tribal Council

6.2. Tribal History

6.3. NCAA Rules