The Dyslexia Guild website (Home)

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The Dyslexia Guild website (Home) by Mind Map: The Dyslexia Guild website (Home)

1. Courses

1.1. About CPD

1.1.1. What is CPD?

1.1.2. Who is it for?

1.1.3. Application options and costs

1.2. About Postgraduate

1.2.1. What is a Postgraduate course? Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma

1.2.2. Who is it for?

1.2.3. Application options and costs

1.3. About CCET

1.3.1. What is a CCET?

1.3.2. Who is it for?

1.3.3. Application options and costs

1.4. International

1.4.1. International Diploma

1.4.2. Postgraduate Courses

1.5. Assessment Only

1.5.1. Test User: Educational Ability/ Attainment (CCET)

1.5.2. CCET & AAC

1.5.3. CPT 3A

1.6. Dyslexia Specialist

1.6.1. Exam Access Arrangements (EAA)

1.6.2. Test User: Educational Ability/ Attainment (CCET)

1.6.3. CCET & AAC

1.6.4. CPT 3A

1.6.5. Diagnostic Report Writing

1.6.6. Assessment Practising Certificate

1.7. Teacher (Primary)

1.7.1. Postgraduate Courses

1.7.2. CPD Level 4 Units & Packages

1.8. Teacher (Secondary)

1.8.1. Postgraduate Courses

1.8.2. CPD Level 4 Units & Packages

1.8.3. Hidden Disability Questionaire (HDQ)

1.9. Teacher (FE/HE)

1.9.1. Postgraduate Courses

1.9.2. CPD Level 4 Units & Packages

1.9.3. Hidden Disability Questionaire (HDQ)

1.10. Teaching Assistant

1.10.1. CPD Level 4 Units & Packages

1.11. Working with learners 14+ to adult

1.11.1. Postgraduate Courses

1.11.2. Working with Adults (16+)

1.11.3. Hidden Disability Questionaire (HDQ)

1.12. About E-learning

1.12.1. What is E-learning?

1.12.2. How does it work?

1.12.3. Technical Requirements

1.12.4. VLE Home(Moodle)

1.12.5. Free sample courses

2. Upcoming Events

2.1. example 1

2.2. example 2

2.3. example 3

2.4. example 4 *

3. About Guild

3.1. Who we are

3.2. What we do

3.3. History

3.4. Our Vision

3.5. Contact us

3.5.1. example 1

3.5.2. example 2

3.6. Follow us

3.6.1. example 1

3.6.2. example 2

3.6.3. example 3 (twitter)

3.7. example 2

3.8. example 3

4. Layout/ Menus

4.1. example 1

4.2. example 2

4.3. example 3

4.4. example 4

4.5. example 5

4.6. example 6

4.7. example 7

4.8. exampe 8

4.9. example 9 (navigation)

5. Useful/ Quick Links

5.1. DA website

5.2. DA training website

5.3. Payment Methods

5.4. DA Library

5.5. Contact Us

5.6. Dyslexia Review

5.7. Conferences

5.8. Free Webinars

5.9. DA Shop

5.10. FAQ's

5.11. example 1

5.12. example 2

6. Welcome message: "Welcome to The Dyslexia Guild, the professional body of Dyslexia"

7. My Guild

7.1. Log in

7.1.1. User name & Password start/join discussion/forum members chat webinars access

7.1.2. Remember me

7.1.3. Forgotten your Password or Username?

7.1.4. Not registered?

7.1.5. example 1

7.1.6. example 2

7.1.7. example 3

7.2. Register

7.3. Profile

7.3.1. edit my personal details

8. Search Bar

8.1. example 2

8.2. example 3

8.3. example 4

8.4. example 5

9. Membership

9.1. Why join?

9.2. Services &Benefits

9.3. Group

9.3.1. Uk

9.3.2. Non Uk

9.4. Student & Retired

9.5. Individual

9.5.1. Cheque or Credit Card

9.5.2. Direct Debit

9.5.3. Non Uk

9.6. DA Staff

9.7. Renewels

9.8. Payment Methods

9.9. Dyslexia Review

9.10. Conferences

9.11. Free Webinars

9.12. DA Shop

9.13. code of conduct

9.14. example 1

9.15. example 2

9.16. example 3

9.17. example 4

10. Events & News

10.1. example 1

10.2. example 2

10.3. example 3

10.4. example 4(events)