Access to Service for Grade 1 to 5 students with cognitive, motor and speech delays.

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Access to Service for Grade 1 to 5 students with cognitive, motor and speech delays. by Mind Map: Access to Service for Grade 1 to 5 students with cognitive, motor and speech delays.

1. Environmental Factor

1.1. Services, systems, and policies

1.1.1. IEP team members recommend students to be placed in a least restrictive classroom, along with a modified curriculum that can best represent the students' academic performances.

1.1.2. one to one nurse or paraprofessional being available to assign to students with complicated medical needs.

1.2. Regulations for operations

1.2.1. Does the classroom have adequate equipment for students to access the meet basic needs and to have access to the curriculum? For example: Hoyer lift, electric changing table, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), activity chairs that are adjustable along with footrests, wheels, or trays. Adaptive utensils, provale and nosey cups.

2. Personal Factor

2.1. Temperament, character traits, and coping styles

2.1.1. Student's cognitive capablities

2.1.2. Behavioral issues (e.g., defiance, physical aggression, high distractibility)

2.1.3. Physical tolerance

2.1.4. Frequent breaks for medication, changing, feeding that interrupts academic schedule

2.2. Receptive/Expressive speech and language delays

2.2.1. Difficulties to communicate wants/need

2.2.2. Build social skills

2.2.3. Acquire and demonstrate knowledge

2.3. Physical challenges

2.3.1. Difficulties to participate typical physical activities: sports, school playground, auditorium

2.3.2. Hinder social circle with typically developing peers: recess, field trips