Apps for Life

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Apps for Life by Mind Map: Apps for Life

1. 20 Words for the Theme

1.1. Apps

1.2. Ipod

1.2.1. New node

1.3. Websites

1.4. "Ipray" "Idance", etc.


1.6. Battery life

1.7. Instigram

1.8. News Feed

1.9. Playlist

1.10. Photo album

1.11. Apple store

1.12. Games

1.13. Camera

1.14. Most popular apps

1.15. Angry Birds

1.16. iCloud

1.17. iTouch

1.18. Contacts

1.19. YouTube

1.20. Facebook

2. 10 Words Against Theme

2.1. Exclusive Music

2.2. General Websites

2.3. Not electronics overall

2.4. Retro

2.5. Movies

2.6. Computer games

2.7. Not the kindle

2.8. Not Galaxy Tab

2.9. Not Android

2.10. Not actual apps--edited.

3. Purpose of the Theme

3.1. Express the activities of all the students at GIS

3.2. Show how diverse GIS students' activities are- e.g. Korean school, beat boxing, etc.

4. 2 Thematic Elements

4.1. App Icons for Headlines

4.2. App for the section. E.g. Sports would be iSports, etc.

5. How would you use the theme for the general areas of the yearbook

5.1. Each thing is an application that you can download. E.g. iSports for overall section of sports

6. Folios

6.1. Battery Bar Page Number

7. Graphic Design Elements

7.1. Black background as the ipod is black

7.2. different Apple products- ipads, itouches, etc.

7.3. rounded boxes for apps with pictures