Input Output

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Input Output by Mind Map: Input                    Output

1. Let's you add and load photos

2. Add an instructional to a image that you can use in a lesson plan

2.1. Action Point 1

2.2. Action Point 2

3. Examples of Input/ Keyboard & mouse devices commonly use to put data into the computer. Scanners, digital cameras, digital tablets, pen inputs, and touch screen devices.

3.1. High Priority

3.2. Medium Priority

3.3. Low Priority


5. Digital Input


7. Learn better with

8. Special need students can learn form digital input & output as well!

8.1. New node

9. Let students operate a computer by touching a display projected onto the classroom whiteboard. Dictate input via voice instead of a keyboard.


10.1. Enable you to share what’s on your monitor with the whole class



12. Prioritize Ideas

13. District wide Art Program web pages to share with other students

14. The difference between digital input and digital out is input lets you put information in and out lets you take information out

14.1. Headphones allow individual student to listen to audio without disturbing others.

14.2. Can read sections of text to your auditory learners.

14.2.1. New node

14.3. An example of output is headphones that allows individual student to listen to audio that will target a skill.

14.3.1. Problem 1

14.3.2. Problem 2

14.4. learning with different software & Hardware

15. Digital Output

16. Learn better with