Teachers’ Technology Integration Into English Instructions: SAMR Model by Sri Wahyuni, Jan Mujiya...

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Teachers’ Technology Integration Into English Instructions: SAMR Model by Sri Wahyuni, Jan Mujiyanto, Sri Wuli Fitriati, and Dwi Rukmini by Mind Map: Teachers’ Technology Integration Into English Instructions: SAMR Model by Sri Wahyuni, Jan Mujiyanto, Sri Wuli Fitriati, and Dwi Rukmini

1. Do I agree/disagree with the article? Why or why not?

1.1. I definitely agree with the findings of this article. I think using technology in a meaningful way to enhance the classroom experience is so important. I do not believe in using technology simply because we can. I believe that the tools and methods we use to help students learn should add more value than simply screen based versus paper products. It was interesting to read how technology was integrated into a classroom in a different country, and being able to see similar patterns to what I have found in my own classroom added extra value.

2. Research Methods

2.1. "Two English teachers of senior high schools in Central Java, Indonesia and their respected students were involved in this study. Classroom observation, interview, questionnaire, and document review were used to obtain the research data. This case study employed Thematic Analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006) as the data analysis method."

3. This article was found using a Google Scholar Search

3.1. Source: Wahyuni, S., Mujiyanto, J., Rukmini, D., & Fitriati, S. W. (2019). Teachers’ technology integration into English INSTRUCTIONS: SAMR Model. Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Education and Technology (ISET 2019), 546–550. https://doi.org/10.2991/assehr.k.200620.109

4. Objective/goal of the article

4.1. The main purpose of this article is to show how infusing technology into the classroom using varying levels of the SAMR Model can enhance learning. The article looked at "enhancement and transformation" of the teaching/learning combo and speaks to how each level of the SAMR Model can be applied and utilized through examples and explanations.

5. Results

5.1. "The findings show that the teachers and students have utilized various types of technology and its integration has undergone four levels of Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition." Basically, the study/observation showed that both teachers and students need to utilize technology from varying levels of the SAMR model in order to teach and learn effectively. The more variation and integration, the more powerful the learning becomes.