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Globalization by Mind Map: Globalization

1. Political

1.1. China Govenment

1.1.1. Government interference to buy loss-making firms

1.1.2. Create obstacles in the form of regulations

1.1.3. Restrictions to hinder globalization

1.1.4. Top authority changes, macro directions no change

1.1.5. Political stability in China

1.2. US Government

1.2.1. China threat

1.2.2. Fair competition issue

1.2.3. Trade protectionism & trade restrictions e.g. Tariff, embargo

1.2.4. President elections lead to short-term change of policy

1.3. China vs US relationship

1.4. Labor union

2. Sociocultural

2.1. Chinese consumers look for better living stndard

2.2. Large population. i.e.: 1.3B

2.2.1. Large potential market

2.3. Developing country

2.3.1. Urbanization

3. Economic

3.1. China GDP 2011 increased 9.2%

3.2. RMB currency under estimate

3.2.1. Threat to US market and local employment opportunities

3.3. Special tax or levy on export products from China

3.4. China's home for appliance subsidy program to rural area (Sales 136.3B, increased 11.8%, 50m in quantity of home appliances

4. Legal

4.1. Quality control (Product safety)

4.2. Labour right legislation

5. Technological

5.1. Digitalization on household appliance

5.2. Internet & networking advance

6. Environmental

6.1. Green product

6.2. Energy saving products

6.3. Recycling

6.4. Disposal of wastage

6.5. Pollution (CO2 emission)