1. Campus Job
1.1. Applied for the O'Dome
1.2. If I don't get the O'Dome, try for the bookstore or rec sports.
1.2.1. http://www.ufsa.ufl.edu/students/campus_jobs
2. Volunteer Work
2.1. Honors Without Borders
2.2. If I end up joining a sorority, that could also be a good source of volunteer work.
3. Leadership
3.1. UF SGA
3.1.1. Applying for UFSGP for Spring
3.1.2. http://www.sg.ufl.edu/sgp
3.2. CALS Leadership
3.2.1. http://www.cals.ufl.edu/current_students/leadership_institute.shtml
3.3. Model UN Position
3.4. Looking into Cicerones
3.4.1. http://www.ufalumni.ufl.edu/cicerones/
3.5. Looking into Campus Dips
3.5.1. http://www.dso.ufl.edu/studentorgs/diplomats/
4. Minor
4.1. Sustainability
4.2. International Relations/Policy
4.3. History
5. Sorority
5.1. Fall Rush
6. Faculty to keep in contact with or come in contact with
6.1. Dr. Johnson (because she's the best)
6.1.1. Through honors activities, advising, and whenever I want a truthful answer about something with no BS
6.2. Karen Bray
6.2.1. CALS advising
7. Internship
7.1. GeoSyntec
7.1.1. http://www.geosyntec.com/UI/Default.aspx?m=ViewPractice&p=17
7.2. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
7.2.1. http://www.serc.si.edu/pro_training/internships/internships.aspx
8. Research
8.1. Dr. Robert Knight- Springs research
8.1.1. http://wetlandsolutionsinc.com/files/key_personnel/knight.pdf, http://wetlandsolutionsinc.com/
8.2. Assessing Watershed Management Options in the Middle East
8.2.1. http://abe.ufl.edu/REU/projects2012.shtml
8.2.2. Jeff Ullman- [email protected]
8.3. Environmental and Earth Systems Research at Biosphere 2
8.3.1. http://www.b2science.org/
8.3.2. Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman- [email protected]
9. Study Abroad
9.1. CALS, Honors, or UF Study Abroad Office
9.1.1. http://http://www.abroad.ufic.ufl.edu/
9.1.2. http://www.honors.ufl.edu/Study-Abroad.aspx
9.1.3. http://www.cals.ufl.edu/globalgators/
9.2. Italy
9.2.1. Venice, Rome or Florence