(farzad mirhoseiny)format cells


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(farzad mirhoseiny)format cells by Mind Map: (farzad mirhoseiny)format cells

1. border

1.1. line

1.2. border

1.3. presets

1.3.1. none

1.3.2. outline

1.3.3. inside

2. font

2.1. font

2.2. font style

2.3. size

2.4. color

3. alignment

3.1. wrap text

3.2. shrink to fit

3.3. merge cells

3.4. horizontal

3.5. vertical

4. number

4.1. General

4.2. number

4.3. Currency

4.4. Accounting

4.5. Date

4.6. Time

4.7. percentage

4.8. fraction

4.9. scientific

4.10. text

4.11. special

4.12. custom

5. fill

5.1. background color

5.2. pattern color

5.3. pattern style