IB Programme Standards & Practices

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IB Programme Standards & Practices by Mind Map: IB Programme Standards & Practices


1.1. Standard: Learning in IB schools is based on coherent curriculum

1.1.1. Practice 1: Schools design and implement a curriculum in alignment with programme documentation and demonstrate that the IB curriculum frameworks are integrated with the requirements for the local/nation school authorities. During collaborative planning sessions, teachers incorporate the IB philosophy when designing transdisciplinary learning experiences as part of the Programme of Inquiry consisting of 6 units of inquiry one for each TD Theme. Schools ensure that students' needs, contexts, prior knowledge, backgrounds ,and identities are considered when planning collaboratively.

1.1.2. Practice 2: Teachers collaborate to design and plan the school programme. They use planners when working collaboratively with specialist teachers and ensure that relationships and connections across disciplines, shared concepts, skills and content are taken into consideration.

1.1.3. Practice 3: Schools review and inform the community of ongoing developments in the programme. After schools review the IB requirements for teaching/learning/assessment they communicate the revised and updated curriculum to the school community.

1.1.4. IB Leadership Intelligences: a-Pedagogical intelligence will support achieving this standard as teachers should have a solid understanding of the IB philosophy when implementing a coherent curriculum that integrates transdisciplinary learning as well as students's contexts, needs , backgrounds and prior knowledge . b-Relational intelligence is also required when collaborating with specialist teachers and other staff members. In order to ensure quality learning across disciplines teacher should be open-minded to other people's perspectives, suggestions and expertise. c-Strategic intelligence is important when schools share the revised curriculum with the school community.

1.2. Standard: Learning in IB schools promotes life long-learners by preparing students for further education & life beyond the school walls

1.2.1. Practice 1: Schools develop IB's approaches to learning so that students can actively develop ATLs (research, thinking, social, communication and self-management skills ) that are designed to prepare them for further education and life beyond the school walls.

1.2.2. Practice 2: Through interactive and open-ended tasks students have opportunities to demonstrate learner profile attributes and reflect on their growth. They also reflect on the connections between LPs and international-mindedness.

1.2.3. Practice 3: Students and teachers engage in collaborative learning experiences where students have voice in the learning process.

1.2.4. Practice 4: Schools comply with the IB academic integrity policy by supporting students to acknowledge others' work by including citation and references which helps students make reasoned and ethical judgements.

1.2.5. Practice 5: Schools provide opportunities for students to transfer and apply learning by performing community service as a way of taking action.

1.2.6. Practice 6: Students take ownership of their learning by setting and developing their learning goals. In Grade 5, Students participate the exhibition in the final year of PYP.

1.2.7. Practice 7: Schools provide opportunities for students to explore and develop personal cultural identities through teaching and learning

1.2.8. IB Leadership intelligence; a-Pedagogical intelligence is required to design learning engagements where students can demonstrate their LP attributes and approaches to learning as they grow in the learning process. a-Cultural intelligence is important when students are given the ooportunity to explore and develop personal cultural identities and make connections with international-mindedness.

1.3. Standard: IB schools' approaches to teaching aim to create meaningful learning experiences

1.3.1. Practice 1: Teachers use inquiry-based strategies and create opportunities for students to have voice and choice in exploring their personal interests and ideas in interactive and exploratory learning environments in accordance with the programme documentation.

1.3.2. Practice 2: Teachers use strategies to engage students conceptually and act as facilitators to support students in developing their own conceptual understandings

1.3.3. Practice 3: Teachers ensure that there's clear examples of connections to local and global contexts and provide opportunities for students to transfer their conceptual understandings in new contexts.

1.3.4. Practice 4: Teachers use a variety of strategies and flexible groupings to maximise student learning, provide opportunities for collaboration and ensure student well-being.

1.3.5. Practice 5: Teachers ensure that each student develops, pursues and achieves personal goals by considering students' language profiles, multiple technologies to extend learning, and students' prior knowledge that helps to consolidate and extend learning for all students.

1.3.6. IB Leadership Intelligence: a-Strategic Intelligence is important when teachers think strategically to engage students conceptually, use multiple technologies and flexible groupings to extend and maximise student learning. b-Pedagogical intelligence supports the achievement of using inquiry-based strategies in class. Inquiry teachers have the capacity to understand and use approaches to teaching & learning in alignment with the IB philosophy.

1.4. Standard: Learning, teaching and assessment practices effectively inform and influence one another

1.4.1. Practice 1: Teachers use varied forms of assessments and make sure each student is given the opportunity to show their learning effectively. Teachers document and analyse student learning process and use data to design learning experiences around conceptual understanding in accordance with the learning objectives and outcomes.

1.4.2. Practice 2: Schools make sure that assessments are inclusive, transparent, and in accordance with IB regulations and programme documentation. Schools ensure that external assessments (i.e reporting/predictions) are accurate and designed for the school contexts. They regularly review reporting systems and makes sure the reporting systems and process for reporting student progress are fair and evaluate the delivery of assessments to ensure it is reasonable.

1.4.3. Practice 3: Teachers design tasks and open up learning opportunities for students to consolidate their learning using a variety of assessment forms.

1.4.4. IB Leadership Intelligence: a-Reflective intelligence is important when designing assessment tasks teachers reflect on the needs, interests and growth of all students. b-Strategic intelligence when schools review reporting systems and communicate a shared vision in alignment with the IB programme documentation.

2. Purpose

2.1. Standard: Schools implement IB programmes to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

2.1.1. Practice: the governing body of the school along with the school leaders develop and commit to a school mission and vision that is reflective of the IB mission and vision. Leadership Intelligence: The strategic leadership intelligence is an important factor for this practice to be recognized as it is the development of the school's mission and vision that needs to align well with the IB mission and vision. It is not only the ability to write the words down, but to integrate it into the culture of the school so all stakeholders believe in and strive to achieve them.

2.1.2. Practice: the school's pedagogical leadership team aligns the IB mission and vision with the educational approaches to learning. Leadership Intelligence: Relational intelligence is important with this practice as when you are ensuring educational approaches to learning are aligned to the IB philosophy, the pedagogical leaders will need to observe, collaborate and give feedback to the teachers. It is important there is a foundation of trust and respect for these conversations to be effective. Also with this practice, pedagogical intelligence is important to create a collaborative environment where teachers and leadership can co-construct a framework of educational approaches to learning that work best for their particular school context.

2.1.3. Practice: the school community commits to the development of the IB Learner Profile Attributes. Leadership Intelligence: Pedagogical intelligence is important here as the leadership must have a deep understanding of the IB philosophy and emphasis on the Learner Profile Attributes in order for the rest of the school community to also commit to their development.

3. Culture

3.1. Standard: Schools develop, implement, communicate and review effective policies that help to create a school culture which IB philosophy can thrive.

3.1.1. Practice: the school has policies, resources and support materials in place to ensure a wide range of students have access to an IB education. Leadership Intelligence: Practices 1&2 require strategic intelligence as the school leadership creates policies that are reflective of the school's mission and vision and that also embody the IB philosophy. Also entrepreneurial intelligence is important here as decisions are made on resources allocation between departments to ensure all children are supported and have access to learning. When a school deems itself as "inclusive", it is imperative that the leadership team build trusting relationships with teachers and students to build capacity in the school community to support all learners, so relational intelligence will be an essential part of that. Finally pedagogical intelligence will foster the leadership team to make connections between the curriculum and available supports that may be required for children to access it.

3.1.2. Practice: the school has an inclusion policy to support all students to be successful and it is implemented, communicated and reviewed regularly. Leadership Intelligence: For practice two, it is also important for use of the reflective intelligence as the policies need to be reviewed often to ensure they continue to be representative of the changing school environment.

3.1.3. Practice: the school adheres to an academic honesty policy to ensure ethical academic practice and it is implemented, communicated and reviewed regularly. Leadership Intelligence: Practices 3 - 6 all need the leadership to use their strategic and reflective intelligences to continue to develop and review policies that are reflective of the school's vision and mission and have the IB mission embedded within them. Leadership Intelligence: Practice 3 also must utilize the pedagogical intelligence for knowledge of the curriculum, what is being taught, the educational approaches to teaching and learning and assessment are critical to ensuring the academic honesty policy is being adhered to.

3.1.4. Practice: the school implements a language policy that fosters intercultural understanding, promotes multilingualism, and is implemented, communicated and reviewed regularly. Leadership Intelligence: Relational and cultural intelligence is necessary in practice 4 because language must be regarded as one of the most important skills children can develop, regardless of the origin of the language. The leadership must build relationships with all stakeholders to encourage a culture of learning about and working together with students, parents and teachers from a variety of cultural and language backgrounds. ALL languages are valuable.

3.1.5. Practice: the school implements an assessment policy that is aligned with the IB philosophy, helps create a culture of continuous learning and growth and is communicated and reviewed regularly. Leadership Intelligence: In addition to strategic and reflective intelligences due to the development and review of policies, pedagogical intelligence will support the development of assessment policies that are reflective of the taught curriculum. Constant professional development about current practices, approaches to teaching and learning is necessary to inform the assessment policy to keep up with best practices.

3.1.6. Practice: the school has developed its IB mandated policies to ensure cohesion and alignment with the IB philosophy. These policies are communicated to the school community, are reviewed frequently and include physical and virtual spaces, resources, the Learner Profile Attributes, and elements of international-mindedness. The pedagogical leadership team uses these policies in decision making and curriculum development. Leadership Intelligence: This practice requires the leadership to use relational, entrepreneurial and pedagogical intelligences. Creating a school culture where stakeholders hold the Learner Profile attributes at high importance for everyone to develop requires a leadership team who also model these same principles.

4. Environment

4.1. Standard: The leadership and governance of IB World Schools create and sustain high-quality learning environments.

4.1.1. Practice: The school regularly reviews and follows all IB rules, regulations and guidelines to support programme implementation and ongoing development. Leadership Intelligence- Strategic, Reflective All the practices in this standard require strategic leadership for creating the structures of successful implementation such as human, time, instructional, and systems resources for ongoing implementation and evaluation of the programme.

4.1.2. Practice: The school includes on its pedagogical team an IB-trained programme coordinator who is empowered to facilitate successful programme implementation. Leadership Intelligence- Strategic, Pedagogic, Relational

4.1.3. Practice: The school organizes time for learning and teaching that provides a broad, balanced, and connected curriculum and serves the changing needs of the community. Leadership Intelligence- Strategic, Pedagogic, Cultural

4.1.4. Practice: The school implements and reviews systems and processes to improve the operation and sustainability of its IB programme(s). Leadership Intelligence- Strategic, Entrepreneurial, Reflective Entrepreneurial intelligence is required for several of the practices of this standard as leaders need to understand how to support teachers and systems that will sustain. This involves the ability to create a culture of risk-taking and innovation so that growth can occur over time. The effective leader can calculate risk vs reward and capitalize on opportunities for faster change. In each of the practices, I've indicated the predominant leadership intelligences needed specific to that practice. The summaries indicate areas of trends within each standard.

4.1.5. Practice: The school funds and allocates resources that sustain and further develop its IB programme(s) Leadership Intelligence- Strategic, Entrepreneurial

4.2. Standard: Learning environments in IB World Schools support student success

4.2.1. Practice: The school provides relevant human, natural, built and virtual resources to implement its IB programme(s). Leadership intelligence- Strategic, Entrepreneurial

4.2.2. Practice: The school identifies and provides appropriate learning support. Leadership intelligence- Pedagogic, Reflective Pedagogic intelligence is required throughout many of the practices in this standard. School leaders need to ensure that students are supported with high-quality, rigorous instruction that is relevant to their lives and aspirations. Teachers need to be supported and empowered to partner with their students to meet their instructional and social-emotional needs. Relational intelligence is required for many practices for fostering relationships between teachers, students, and stakeholders which support student success and programme sustainability.

4.2.3. Practice: The school fosters the social, emotional, and physical well-being of its students and teachers. Leadership Intelligence- Pedagogic, Relational

4.2.4. Practice: The school provides guidance and support that help students succeed in its IB programme(s) and plan for the next stage of their educational and/or career- related experiences. Leadership Intelligence- Pedagogic

4.2.5. Practice: The school builds relationships with the wider community that are a source of wisdom and expertise to strengthen the implementation of its IB programme(s) Leadership Intelligence- Relational, Cultural

4.3. Standard: Learning environments in IB World schools support and empower teachers.

4.3.1. Practice: The school ensures that teachers use current IB resources and regularly review their implementation of the prrogramme. Leadership Intelligence- Reflective The intelligences needed for leaders with this standard reflect a range of the leadership practices. Reflective intelligence is needed for supporting teachers with their reflective practice and determining next steps. Pedagogic intelligence is required for understanding the professional development needs to improve teaching and learning. Heuristic intelligence enhances leaders' abilities to leverage leadership strengths and adjust to challenges. Relational intelligence comes into play when leaders support teachers by providing the time and resources for collaborative planning and ensure that stakeholders have a voice in decision making in the school.

4.3.2. Practice: The school ensures that leadership and teachers participate in appropriate and timely professional learning to inform their practice. Leadership intelligence- Pedagogic, Heuristic

4.3.3. Practice: The school provides time and other resources for teachers to collaborate effectively in the implementation of IB programmes. Leadership intelligence- Relational

4.4. Leadership Intelligences: all three practices require all leadership within the school to have strategic intelligence as they strive to create a school culture that is led by a shared vision and mission that is reflective of the IB philosophy. Reflective Intelligence is also important as policies must be reviewed often to ensure they are valid in an ever-changing school environment.