QR code usage in modern daily life

List of group members 1. Kai Fung Yam (Tim) 12200697 2.Yim Chin Hei (Speedo) 12212687 3.Kan Ka Hong (Tommy) 12200778 Project Topic QR code usage in modern daily life

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QR code usage in modern daily life by Mind Map: QR code usage in modern daily life

1. Advantages

1.1. 1.Convenient to produce.

1.2. 2. QR code is accurate and reliable

1.3. 3. Easy to decode.

1.4. 4. Flexibility

1.5. 5. automatic error correction

1.6. 6. Can scan from different angle

2. Disadvantages

2.1. 1.unpleasant outlook

2.2. 2. Not suitable for every situations

2.3. 3. High requirement

3. Extras

3.1. Decorations

4. example of using QR code in daily life

4.1. Use in mobile operating systems

4.2. Uses in retail

4.3. URLs

4.4. QR Code Virtual Stores

4.5. Store some passages

5. Techniques

5.1. Kind of 2D code

5.2. encoding several types of data for different amount.

6. Origin

6.1. Invented by DENSO WAVE company in Japan

6.2. Original name is 'Quick Response' code

6.3. Born in 1994