The Development of Keyboard Instruments and Music

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The Development of Keyboard Instruments and Music by Mind Map: The Development of Keyboard Instruments and Music

1. Aerophone

1.1. Pipe organ

1.1.1. J. S. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565

1.2. Portative organ

1.3. Pump organ

1.4. Accordion

2. Idiophone

2.1. Celesta

2.1.1. Tchaikovsky's Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker

3. Electrophone

3.1. Synthesiser

3.2. Hammond organ

3.3. Ondes Martenot

4. Chordophone

4.1. Hurdy-gurdy

4.2. Harpsichord

4.2.1. J. S. Bach's Prelude and fugue in C major, from Well-tempered Claiver Bk I, BWV 846

4.3. Piano

4.3.1. Mozart's Piano Sonata No 11 A major Movement 3, K 331 (a.k.a Turkish March)​

4.3.2. Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata

4.3.3. Schubert's Moment Musical Op.94 No.3 in F Minor​

4.3.4. Schumann's Träumerei

4.3.5. Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2

4.3.6. Chopin’s Nocturne no. 20 in C# minor