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Android Tamer v2 by Mind Map: Android Tamer v2

1. Rom modding

1.1. dsixda kitchen

1.2. Fastboot

1.3. QT ADB

1.4. Rom flashing tools

1.4.1. flashtool (Sony)

1.4.2. heimedal samsung

1.4.3. sub_flash motorolla

2. Forensics

2.1. AF Logical OSE

2.2. SleuthKit

3. malware analysis and Reverse Engineering

3.1. droidbox

3.2. AndroGuard

3.3. APK Analyzer

3.4. AXML Printer2

3.5. decompiling

3.5.1. jad

3.5.2. jd-gui

3.5.3. small suite

3.5.4. dex2jar

4. penetration testing

4.1. owasp zap

4.2. Burp Suite Free version

4.3. bulb security penetrating framework

4.4. Firefox with plugin's

4.4.1. FoxyProxy

4.4.2. XSS me

4.4.3. SQL inject Me

4.4.4. Cookie Manager

4.4.5. Grease Monkey

4.4.6. HackBar

4.4.7. Live HTTP Headers

4.4.8. No Script

4.4.9. TamerData

4.4.10. User Agent Switcher

4.4.11. Web Developer Toolbar

4.4.12. url expander

4.5. w3af

4.6. nmap

4.7. Andorid Audit tools

4.8. SQlite DB Browser

4.9. Mercury Client and Server

5. rooting

5.1. adv restore ice/jb

5.2. zergrush

5.3. gingerbreak

5.4. psneuter

6. Development

6.1. Android SDK + NDK

6.2. Codesourcery c++

6.3. Eclipse + ADT

6.4. DDMS