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Career planning by Mind Map: Career planning

1. Lack of confidence

2. Challanges

2.1. Keep Cool

3. Education

3.1. B.A. English at DIU 2021

3.2. Masters at Jahangirnagar university 2023

3.3. Completed IELTS

3.4. Short Course About Criminal Psychology.

4. Skills

4.1. Team working

4.2. Sharp Shooter

4.3. Quick & Fast.

4.4. Negotiation Skill.

5. Attitude

5.1. Trustworthy

5.2. Honest

5.3. Positive

5.4. Confident

6. Development strategy

6.1. Hard skill

6.2. Arrogant Attitude.

6.3. Leadership.

6.4. Driving.

7. Strength

7.1. Hard working

7.2. Problem solving

7.3. Special Force Training.

7.4. Computer skill

7.5. Focus on Target

7.6. Disciplined.

8. Weakness

8.1. Curious Mins.

8.2. Emotional