Two Factor Authentication


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Two Factor Authentication by Mind Map: Two Factor Authentication

1. Reduce fraud and build secure online relationships

2. SMS Verification

3. Disadvantages

3.1. Time consuming

3.2. Cost

3.3. Failure can be disruptive

4. Benefits

4.1. Stronger security

4.2. Increase productivity and flexibility

4.3. Lower help desk and security management costs

4.4. Fraud Prevention

4.5. Internal security and mobilization

4.6. Access monitoring

5. Types of 2FA

5.1. Authenticator Apps

5.2. Biometrics

5.2.1. Physical Authentication

6. Who uses it

6.1. Businesses

6.1.1. Tech and financial companies

7. Limitations

7.1. Hardware Tokens

7.1.1. availability issues,

7.1.2. Government/regulator interference

7.1.3. Low level of security

7.2. SMS-based tokens

7.3. Software based tokens

7.4. PKI-based solutions

7.5. Grid-based authentication