Autonomous Car Hacking

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Autonomous Car Hacking by Mind Map: Autonomous Car  Hacking

1. In-vehicle Communication Networks

1.1. LIN

1.2. CAN

1.3. MOST

1.4. FlexRay

1.5. Ethernet

2. Protocols and communication technologies

2.1. Bluetooth

2.2. Wifi

2.3. Cellular

2.4. FOTA (Firmware Over The Air)

3. Nearby External Components

3.1. V2V

3.2. V2I

3.3. Keyless Entry System

4. Inside Vehicle Communication Components

4.1. OBD-II port

4.2. Electric Vehicle charging connector

4.3. USB

4.4. SD Card

5. Vehicle Sensor & Actuators

5.1. Tire Pressure Mesure Sensors

5.2. LIDAR

5.3. Camera

5.4. Radar

5.5. Ultrasonic Sensors

5.6. ABS

5.7. GPS