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Feudalism by Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Bishops/Church Officials

1.1. Rights

1.1.1. Received land from the King

1.1.2. Had people work in their fields for them

1.1.3. Protected by the knights

1.2. Environment

1.2.1. Lived on land granted to them by the king

1.3. Responsibilities

1.3.1. Fell under the power of the Pope

1.3.2. Supervised the Priests and the low ranking church officials

1.3.3. To administer the necessary sacraments with regularity and consistency.

1.3.4. To absolve men and women of sins for the act of confession.

2. King

2.1. Responsibilities

2.1.1. Granted land to important nobles and even some knights

2.1.2. In charge of pretty much everything

2.2. Rights

2.2.1. Ownership of all land

2.3. Environment

2.3.1. Easy living

2.3.2. Everything was at his disposal

2.3.3. Typical king lifestyle

3. Knights

3.1. Responsibilities

3.1.1. Fight in any wars and battles they are needed in

3.1.2. Defend the Lord's land in exchange for fiefs-a piece of land

3.2. Rights

3.2.1. Could own land of their own

3.3. Environment

3.3.1. Lived on their superior's land

3.3.2. Only job was to protect the people

3.3.3. Somewhat easy life style, except for the fact you had to risk your life in order to save others.

4. Nobles

4.1. Responsiblilities

4.1.1. Military responsibility to Lord

4.1.2. Raise troops and command them in the field

4.1.3. Held own courts of justice

4.1.4. Lord of those who lived on his land

4.1.5. Protect the weak and poor

4.1.6. Look after his own land-could appoint stewards to help with these tasks

4.2. Rights

4.2.1. Could coin his own money

4.2.2. Free in his person and his possessions

4.3. Environment

4.3.1. Easy living

4.3.2. Others lived on land for his benefit

5. Peasants/Serfs

5.1. Responsibilities

5.1.1. Worked on the land

5.1.2. Taxes on grain in order to live in the Lord's manor

5.1.3. Tithe-Church tax

5.2. Rights

5.2.1. Marriage-must be approved and would be taxed by the church

5.3. Environment

5.3.1. Could not lawfully leave the place they were born

5.3.2. Lived in the Lord's manor in return for labor in the fields

5.3.3. Never traveled more than 25 miles from the manor or the fields.