1. Peasants
1.1. Responsibility
1.1.1. Take care of the land
1.1.2. Attend to the animals
1.1.3. Pay taxes
1.2. Rights
1.2.1. Protectection
1.2.2. housing
1.2.3. Cannot leave the manor
1.3. Environment
1.3.1. Live on manors
2. Knights
2.1. Responsibilties
2.1.1. To go to war when needed
2.1.2. train Nobles sons
2.2. Rights
2.2.1. Able to own land
3. Nobles
3.1. Resposibility
3.1.1. held own court of justice
3.1.2. Lord of all who settled on his land
3.1.3. Raise troops
3.1.4. warriors who fight
3.2. Rights
3.2.1. Coined his own money
3.2.2. was free in his person and possessions
3.3. Environment
3.3.1. Lavish estates
4. King
4.1. Responsibility
4.1.1. Looking after the country
4.1.2. Making rules
4.2. Rights
4.2.1. Everything
4.3. Environment
4.3.1. Riches and glame
5. Church officials
5.1. Responsibility
5.1.1. To look after the spiritually life of the flcoks
5.1.2. absolve men and women of their sins fro the act of confession
5.2. Rights
5.2.1. helping the people
5.2.2. Decide the level of your faith
5.3. Environment
5.3.1. Luxury life fit for a king