by Alexandra Koshar
1. Enviroment
1.1. lived on manors varrying in size, some had villages and some didn't
2. Peasants
2.1. Rights
2.1.1. lacked freedom and were subjected to will of the lord.
2.2. Responsibilities
2.2.1. Owed three days of labor to the king a week
3. King
4. Bishops/Church Officials
4.1. Rights
4.1.1. At the top of medieval society, full rights
4.2. Reponsibilities
4.2.1. Teach people christianity and keeping people holy
4.3. Enviroment
4.3.1. had wealth, power, and prestiege
5. Knights
5.1. Rights
5.1.1. Born a free person could train troops and command them in field, could coin in money
5.2. Responsibilities
5.2.1. Protect the weak and poor with a horse and sword New node
5.3. Enviroment
5.3.1. middle class still owed taxes and thithes
6. Nobles
6.1. Rights
6.1.1. born free
6.2. Responsibilities
6.2.1. protect the king and his chivelry
6.3. Enviroment
6.3.1. Lavish living