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Heart by Mind Map: Heart

1. Anatomy

1.1. Pericardium

1.1.1. Fibrous

1.1.2. Serous Parietal pericardium Visceral pericardium

1.1.3. Pericardial cavity & fluid

1.2. External

1.2.1. Atria

1.2.2. Ventricle

1.2.3. Coronary sulcus

1.2.4. Anterior interventricular sulcus

1.2.5. Posterior interventricular sulcus

1.2.6. Vena cava Superior Inferior

1.2.7. Pulmonary vein

1.2.8. Great arteries Pulmonary trunk Aorta

1.3. Internal

1.3.1. Septum Interatrial Septum Interventricular Septum

1.3.2. Cardiac Skeleton

1.3.3. Papillary Musscle

1.3.4. Chordae Tendineae

1.4. Chambers

1.4.1. Left and Right Atria

1.4.2. Left and Right Ventricles

1.5. Valves

1.5.1. Atrioventricular Valves Tricuspid (R) Bicuspid/Mitral (L)

1.5.2. Semilunar Valves Pulmonary Semilunar Valve Aortic Semilunar Valve

2. Route of Blood Flow

2.1. Vena Cava

2.2. Right atrium

2.3. Tricuspid valve

2.4. Right ventricle

2.5. Pulmonary semilunar valve

2.6. Pulmonary trunk

2.7. Pulmonary artery

2.8. Lungs

2.9. Pulmonary Vein

2.10. Left atrium

2.11. Bicuspid valve

2.12. Left atrium

2.13. Aortic semilunar valve

2.14. Aorta

2.15. Arteries/Body

2.16. Capillaries

3. Histology

3.1. Heart Wall

3.1.1. Epicardium - visceral pericardium

3.1.2. Myocardium - cardiac muscle cells; contraction

3.1.3. Endocardium - made heart valve

3.1.4. Trabeculae Carneae - ridges inside the ventricles

3.2. Cardiac Muscle

3.2.1. Intercalated disks

4. Cardiac Cycle

4.1. Atrial systole

4.2. Ventricular systole

4.3. Atrial diastole

4.4. Ventricular diastole

5. Regulation of Heart

5.1. Intrinsic

5.1.1. Preload

5.1.2. Venous Return

5.1.3. Afterload

5.1.4. Starling's law The farther the muscle the more it contracts;

5.2. Extrinsic

5.2.1. Nervous regulation: Baroreceptor Reflex

5.2.2. Chemical regulation: Chemoreceptor Reflex

6. Functions

6.1. Generating Blood Pressure

6.2. Routing Blood

6.3. One-way Blood Flow

6.4. Regulating blood supply

7. Size, Form and Location

7.1. Size of a fist

7.2. Weighs less than a pound

7.3. Apex at the 5th intercostal space; midclavicular line

7.4. Base is at mediastinum and 2nd intercostal space

8. Electrical Activity

9. Heart Sounds

9.1. S1 (Lubb)

9.1.1. - happens in the closing of AV valves; ventricular systole

9.2. S2 (Dupp)

9.2.1. - happens in the closing of the Semilunar valves; ventricular diastole

10. Effects on Aging