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Feudalism by Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Environment

1.1. bad conditions

1.2. lived on vast estates called manors

2. Responsiblilities/Duties

2.1. work on land

2.2. owed lord duties

2.2.1. at least a few days of labor each week

2.2.2. portion of their grain

3. Peasents

3.1. Rights

3.1.1. cant leave place they were born

4. king

4.1. Rights

4.1.1. no rights

4.2. Environment

4.2.1. royal lifestyle

4.3. Responsibilities/Duties

4.3.1. keep people happy

5. Nobles

5.1. Rights

5.1.1. lord of all people who settled on his land

5.1.2. could raise troops and comand them in the field

5.2. Environment

5.2.1. elegant lifestyle

5.3. Responsibilities/Duties

5.3.1. Defend lords land

5.3.2. protect the weak and poor

6. Knights

6.1. Rights

6.2. Environment

6.3. Responsibilities/Duties

6.3.1. Defend lords land

7. Clergy

7.1. Rights

7.1.1. no rights

7.2. Environment

7.2.1. church and great lifestyle

7.3. responsibilities/duties

7.3.1. administer necessary sacraments

7.3.2. absolve men/woman of sin in act of confession