Essay Brainstorming: Ann Daigle

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Essay Brainstorming: Ann Daigle by Mind Map: Essay Brainstorming: Ann Daigle

1. what is real?

1.1. replicants have fake "memories

1.2. monsters doesn't have any

2. society and solitude

2.1. once the creature and the replicants find out what they really are they start to question if the even belong in society at all

3. demons/human?

3.1. are the replicants/Creature monsters?

3.2. the creation and replicants have extraordinary strength and other inhumane things about them

4. character relations



4.3. victor and creator

4.4. roy and the creature

5. north

5.1. creature and roy offered to go north and leave society alone if they got what they wanted

6. revenge

6.1. the creature and the replicants wanted revenge from how they were treated

7. replicants and creature

7.1. they were both "made" from materials instead of being born with real parents

7.2. weren't supposed to have any emotion or attachment

8. ambition

8.1. killed for what they wanted so everybody thought they were horrible murderers but maybe they weren't maybe it was the right thing to do for being lied to about how they became and entered the earth