Articles with Proper Names

Articles with Proper Names

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Articles with Proper Names by Mind Map: Articles with Proper Names

1. WITHOUT any article

1.1. Names of universities, colleges and schools

1.1.1. Moscow University, Oxford University, Trinity College, Heaton Manor School

1.2. Foreign newspapers, magazines as a rule

1.2.1. - Le Monde, Moskovski Komsomolets, Arguments and Facts - Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, Vogue, Forum, Hello! BUT: The Yellow Pages, The Spectator, The New Yorker

1.3. Months and days of the week

1.3.1. January, February, Monday, Tuesday COMPARE: - We met on Friday. (Мы встретились в (прошлую) пятницу) - We met on a Friday. (Мы встретились одну из пятниц)

1.4. Names of languages

1.4.1. Russian, English, French, Japanese BUT: the English (French, Japanese) language


2.1. Theatres, museums, picture galleries, concert halls, cinemas, clubs and hotels

2.1.1. the Bolshoi Theatre, the Opera House, the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Forum, the Continental or (the) Continental Hotel

2.2. Famous trains, ships, yachts and boats

2.2.1. the Orient Express, (the) Titanic, the Sedov, the Beauty of the West, “the Magnolia”, “the Beautiful Dreamer”

2.3. English and American newspapers

2.3.1. the Daily Telegraph, the Independent, the Times, the Observer, the Financial Times

2.4. Most organizations and political parties

2.4.1. the Kremlin, the Senate, the Capitol, the United Nations, the State Duma, the Navy, the Army, the Liberal Party, the London City Council, the FBI BUT: Parliament, Congress, Whitehall, Downing Street.

2.5. Sport events

2.5.1. the Olympic Games, the World Cup, the World Championship BUT: No article is used if a geographic name is used to indicate some sport competition. Wimbledon (tennis), Luzhniki (football), Ascot and Epsom (horse races), Henley (rowing)

2.6. Musical groups if the noun is in the plural

2.6.1. the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Eurythmics IN OTHER CASES: Queen, ABBA, Gorky Park, Genesis, A-Ha

2.7. Highways (motorways) and roads

2.7.1. the Al, the M3, the New Seattle Highway

2.8. Internationally known prizes

2.8.1. the Nobel Prize, the Booker Prize, the Pulitzer Prize