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My Information Map by Mind Map: My Information Map

1. Controlled by me

1.1. Social Media Post

1.2. Ideas in my head

1.3. E-mail I send

1.4. YouTube vids

1.5. Google Drive

2. About me

2.1. Web history

2.2. search history

2.3. Bank account

2.4. Google+

2.5. Facebook

3. directed to or sent by me

3.1. Social Media Post

3.2. E-mail I send

3.3. Web Searches

3.4. Blog Post

4. Experienced by me

4.1. targeted ads

4.2. personalized search

4.3. Sac Link

4.4. Online Games

4.5. Netflix

4.6. E-mail recieved

4.7. Reddit Homepage

5. Relevant to me

5.1. Reddit

5.2. Wikipedia

5.3. Online News sources

5.4. Sac Link

5.5. Netflix