Website Evaluation
by Gracie Edwards
1. Is it biased? For some topics you will need an unbiased website to get the right information.
2. You don't want to use an article written in 2001, if you are researching an event from 2007. Or, if it hasn't been updated in five years, (depending on the topic) use another site that has.
3. If you need an article about physiology, you don't want one written by a plumber.
4. One paragraph won't do for a five page essay.
5. Who created this? Who maintains it?
6. Is there good stuff, bad stuff, or garbage on the site?
7. A-----Authority
7.1. Who wrote it? Verify their credentials.
8. P-----Purpose
8.1. Why was it written? (For information, persuasion,
9. C-----Coverage
9.1. How thoroughly is your topic covered?
10. E-----Evenness
10.1. Is the perspective balanced?
11. S-----Sources
11.1. What documentation does the author provide?
12. T-----Timeliness
12.1. Is it up to date?
13. Why Evaluate?
13.1. Because anyone can put anything online.
14. No documentation might mean some of it's information is not true. Don't trust it!