Destructive leadership

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Destructive leadership by Mind Map: Destructive leadership

1. Definition

1.1. An all-inclusive concept

1.1.1. Organisation

1.1.2. Subordinates

1.2. Systematic and repeated behaviour

1.3. No call for intent

1.4. The legitimate interest of the organisation

2. Conceptual models

2.1. Tyrannical leadership

2.2. Derailed leadership

2.3. Supportive–disloyal leaders

2.4. Constructive leadership

2.5. Passive and inactive forms

3. Outcomes

3.1. Leader-related concepts

3.1.1. Resistance

3.1.2. Ignoring requests

3.2. Job-related concepts

3.2.1. fewfew

3.2.2. fefew

3.3. Organisation-related concepts

3.4. Individual follower related concepts

4. Behaviour

4.1. abusive supervision

4.2. health endangering leaders

4.3. petty tyrants

4.4. bullies

4.5. derailed leaders

4.6. intolerable bosses

4.7. psychopaths

4.8. harassing leaders

5. The systematic and repeated behaviour by a leader, supervisor or manager that violates the legitimate interest of the organisation by undermining and/or sabotaging the organisation's goals, tasks, resources, and effectiveness and/or the motivation, well-being or job satisfaction of subordinates.