Robin Good's Live Q&A Call Fri May 8th 2009
by Robin Good
1. I just can't employ them... Can I count only on myself or there is another way?
2. Simone Tedeschi: hello, I live in Rome, Italy. My problem is every time I try to work on a niche publishing project, first question I get from people I try to involve is "How much are you going to pay for my content?"
3. Question 1
3.1. I find Twitter just to be a lot of noise - How can using Twitter be useful for my marketing?
3.2. A Beginner's Guide to Twitter
4. Question 2
4.1. My company needs to put out quite a few press releases in the coming months and they have asked me to see whether there is some more "social" way to do these nowadays
4.2. press release marketing social media
4.3. The Social Media Press Release: What Is It And Why You May Need It
5. Question 3
5.1. Which tools do YOU use to do YOUR OWN social media marketing?
5.2. marketing tools services media
5.3. The Social Media Optimization Manifesto
5.4. Buzz Tracking And Social Media Monitoring
6. Tina: Yes, but HOW do you use all those social media tools effectively? How do you decide what to put where?
7. Question 4
7.1. How can I balance SEO and content quality on my blog?
7.2. SEO content relevance quality titles links visibility
7.3. Write Great Titles For Your Blog Posts
7.4. How To Make My Site Findable And Visible Inside Google SERPs?
7.5. How To Get Good Links
8. Question 5
8.1. How can I prevent my content from being stolen?
8.2. content stealing free creative commons
8.3. Fighting Unlicensed Content Republication Via Distribution Networks And Ad Sharing
8.4. How To Publish A Book Under A Creative Commons License
8.5. Content Licensing: How To Monetize Your Content Being Reused Across The Web
9. Question 6
9.1. How can I measure and track if my social media marketing strategy is working?
10. Question 7
10.1. How can I build a community for my site using social media?
10.2. Community Building: How To Create Your Own Social Media Network With Ning
11. Question 8
11.1. How to manage my social media daily activities on multiple social media (without spending the whole day on it)?
11.2. Lifestreaming - Aggregate And Author All Your Social Media Content From One Place:
11.3. Microblogging And Lifestreaming: A Beginner's Guide