Learning & Assessments

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Learning & Assessments by Mind Map: Learning & Assessments

1. Validity

1.1. Face Validity

1.2. Measures intended goals and objectives

1.3. Easily accessible

1.4. Criterion Related Validity

1.5. Predictor of current/future performance

1.6. Correlates tests with other assessments

1.7. Formative Validity

1.8. Applied to specific outcomes

1.9. How well the measurement being used assess ability levels

2. Importance

2.1. Clearly defined expectations

2.2. Specific measurment

2.3. Redirection

3. Reliability

3.1. Test/Retest

3.1.1. Task

3.1.2. Prerequisites

3.2. Administering the same test twice over time to the same group of students

3.3. Correlation between tests should be seen

3.4. Parallel Forms

3.4.1. Task

3.4.2. Prerequisites

3.5. Various forms of assessment given

3.6. Consistency evaluated from test 1 to 2

3.7. Internal Consistency

3.7.1. Task

3.7.2. Prerequisites

3.8. Reliability between tests/assessments for similar results

4. Importance

4.1. Rational

4.2. Consistency

4.3. Accountability

4.4. Reliability