Adaptation and behavior may improve and organisms chance of survival

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Adaptation and behavior may improve and organisms chance of survival by Mind Map: Adaptation and behavior may improve and organisms chance of survival

1. Animal structure functions for growth

1.1. Create a brochure for the zoo's new baby! Include research on how that baby will one day look and the structures it took to let this baby grow and adapt into its new environment in the wild or zoo.

2. Animal structures that function for survival

2.1. Make a power point of a prey and its predator and both of their survival functions and how they adapt with each other.

3. Animal structures that function for reproduction

3.1. create a poster comparing reproduction between two types of animals we came across in the zoo trip. mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish.

4. plant functions for growth

4.1. Create a flow chart of the life cycle of plants/

5. plant functions for survival

5.1. Lets go to the Botanical Gardens! Take photographs of different plants that are each from different terrains. Create a web album.

6. plant functions for reproduction

6.1. In the park we see different types foliage in no particular order, take pictures, and create a jing explaining how the plants reproduced and adapt to these enironments.

7. New node