Visual Study Guide 3

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Visual Study Guide 3 by Mind Map: Visual Study Guide 3

1. Primate Evolution

1.1. Aboreal Hypothesis: Primate traits=aboreal adaptations

1.2. Primate traits were adaptations to hunting insects and other small prey

1.3. Fossils provide direct evidence of past life forms and their evolution

2. Early Homo

2.1. The Homo lineage: • Homo habilis • Homo erectus

2.2. Characterized by: Increased brain size Increased body size Less prognathic face Longer stride/shorter arms Reliance on culture

2.3. 1) Killer Ape Hypothesis

2.4. Human ancestors: savage hunters & bloodthirsty killers

2.5. 2) Man the Hunter Hypothesis

2.6. Tools used for hunting animals

2.7. 3) Scavenging Hypothesis

2.8. Hominin ancestors were not hunting but rather scavenging meat from carcasses

3. Archaic Humans

3.1. Earliest appearance: • 350,000 years ago • Africa, Asia, and Europe

3.2. Lumper's Perspective: Informal, subspecific labels of “Archaic Homo sapiens” • Transitional Late Archaic groups • Regional variation

3.3. Splitter's Perspective:

3.4. Homo heidelbergensis • Eventually divides into Neandertals and AMH

4. Australopithecans

4.1. Confirmed bipeds

4.2. Eastern and Southern Africa

4.3. Two groups: •Gracile •Robust

4.4. The Piltdown Hoax