The Rhetoric of Video Games by Ian Bogost

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The Rhetoric of Video Games by Ian Bogost by Mind Map: The Rhetoric of Video Games by Ian Bogost

1. 4. Rhetoric

1.1. Visual Rhetoric

1.2. Digital Rhetoric

2. 6. Ways of Using Procedural Rhetoric: Interrogating Ideology

2.1. Examples

2.1.1. America’s Army: Operations

3. 5. Procedural Rhetoric

3.1. Definition

3.2. Examples

3.2.1. The McDonald's Video Game

4. 7. Ways of Using Procedural Rhetoric: Making and Unpacking an Argument

4.1. Examples

4.1.1. Take Back Illinois

4.1.2. Bully

4.1.3. The McDonald's Game

5. 8. Learning From Procedural Rhetoric

6. 1. Introduction

6.1. Animal Crossing

6.2. Animal Crossing Community (ACC)

7. 2. Play

7.1. Misconception of Play

7.2. Possibility Space

7.2.1. Possibility Space in Vidoe Games

7.3. New node

8. 3. Procedurality

8.1. Definition