Leraning play Basketball

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Leraning play Basketball by Mind Map: Leraning play Basketball

1. Basics Knowledge

1.1. Rules

1.2. Factors

1.3. Size of Basketball

2. Skills of Basketball

2.1. Dribbling

2.2. Shooting

2.3. Defense

2.4. Rebounding

2.5. Passing

3. materials

3.1. Sports shoes

3.2. Sportswear

3.3. Basketball

4. Note: I will make a action plan for decide on priorities.

5. Schedule planning

5.1. Weekend morning

5.2. Weekend afternoon

5.3. Weekday afternoon

6. Location

6.1. Online class (Apartment)

6.2. Offline (School)

6.3. Offline (Sports facility)

7. Lesson course

7.1. Group basic course

7.2. Individual course (Normal)

7.3. Individual course (Customized)